DUPLICATE New Hampton School

open quote

My daughter has really enjoyed her time studying with you and I'm so grateful for your time, effort, and kindness toward her over the last few months. I look at the money spent on tutoring as an investment in her and now potentially as a savings in the cost of college. She was so proud when we realized her scores had gone up! I couldn't be happier that all the hard work and initiative has paid off for her.

— Jeni,
New Hampton School parent

Build your College Résumé – with solid SAT® & ACT® Scores.

NHS Innovation Meets Standardized Testing

Our approach at New Hampton

In our NHS test prep offerings, Knower Academics promotes a strategic, informed and positive approach to the SAT, ACT and TOEFL® entrance exams. We help students understand how to think like the test writers and approach the test in a way that showcases their strengths and maximizes points. We review test material with a focus on areas that their classes may have moved beyond. We teach them what the test writers reward. We show students how to spot trick answers and flag the most difficult questions, so they can manage their time and effort on the test. For students with unique learning styles or learning differences, we enjoy exploring best methods for using accommodations and finding tactics to decode questions, keep the exams perspective, and build confidence.

Learn more about our strategic approach & rightsized methodology ▸

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Please fill out our Contact form or call 603-238-3283.

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One-to-One Test Prep
for the SAT,® ACT,® OR TOEFL®

Study for the SAT & ACT at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Please contact us or continue to registration for more information about pricing; register early to avoid peak rates close to test dates.

In this fully customized offering, students will work with their instructor to create a study plan that supports their goals and balances exam preparation with other academic priorities and time commitments.

  • Free consultation
  • Sessions begin with a welcome meeting
  • Once or twice weekly coaching sessions are scheduled during the student’s available times up until the test date
  • Manage cost by purchasing a few sessions to learn tactics, and requesting independent study suggestions

Learn more about the benefits of one-to-one test prep ▸

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Please fill out our Contact form or call 603-238-3283.

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SAT/ACT Baseline Tests & Self-Study Suggestions

Get detailed analytics to study more effectively.

$150 self-proctor; free if proctored by instructor in session

  • Detailed analytics
  • Feedback on decision making during the test
  • Targeted ares of focus
  • Self-study options and free resources

Learn more about our KNOW the SAT & ACT mock exams and BASE reports ▸

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Please fill out our Contact form or call 603-238-3283.

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