Brewster Academy

Brewster Academy
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For over 10 years, Brewster students have worked with Knower Academics, both in a class setting and in one-to-one tutoring. I am always impressed with how well they know our students! The teachers thoughtfully adapt instruction and program to meet the skill level and testing goals for each student.

— Laura Duffy,
Former Dean of College Counseling

Study for the entrance exams in the way that you learn best.

Knower Academics promotes a strategic and positive approach to the SAT, ACT, AP and TOEFL® entrance exams.  Our instructors are dedicated to understanding each student’s learning profile and rightsizing our approach to test preparation. We emphasize that the first goal on any standardized test is to showcase your strengths!

There have been so many changes to the landscape of college applications in the past few years! Especially with the redesigned SAT’s digital platform, a few sessions with Knower’s specialized team helps students identify their best test and head into that exam with a solid strategy.

One-to-One Test Prep
for the SAT,® ACT,® OR TOEFL®


The gold standard in test prep, Knower’s one-to-one instruction offers expert coaching that is  customized to match the students’ learning style, schedule, and goals.

Show your strengths and target your weaknesses on the entrance exams by working directly with a test preparation specialist. For some students, improving SAT® or ACT® performance provides a critical piece in their application picture, justifying a rigorous course of study. For other students, just a few sessions on  strategy will suffice. All students need to strike a balance in their studies so as to not draw time away from critical coursework.  We can also use the test as a way to review foundational material and address test anxiety in a supportive environment.

In this fully customized offering, students will work with their instructor to create a study plan that supports their goals and balances exam preparation with other academic priorities and time commitments.


After a free consultation, sessions begin with a welcome meeting. Then, once or twice weekly coaching sessions are scheduled during the student’s available times up until the test date.

Students who register for one-to-one support will:

  • Choose to specialize in either the SAT or the ACT, or both
  • Study specialized techniques that “good test takers” use to improve their scores
  • Receive instruction in a format that is tailored to their learning style and accommodation profile
  • Learn to manage their time and priorities on these high-stakes exams
  • Study the best tactics to improve accuracy and increase speed
  • Review relevant content areas
  • Develop a test-taking plan tailored to college goals
  • Understand the role of exams in college applications
  • Build confidence and keep the tests in perspective

Please proceed with registration, or contact our office, for current rate information.

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Contact us to schedule your consultation ▸

Please email or call 603-238-3283.