Know the TOEFL™

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Kayte’s wide knowledge of the standardized tests and her ability to identify areas of weakness and tailor her tutoring sessions accordingly impressed and pleased me as a parent. She was able to go completely back to basics on concepts where needed, working intensely on an area until our daughter felt comfortable. At the same time, she offered ideas on how our daughter could work on her own to enhance her areas of strength. We are very pleased with the work she has done and highly recommend her.

American universities typically require international students to submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores as evidence of their readiness to attend college in the United States.

By requiring students to demonstrate their abilities in reading, listening, writing, and speaking the English language, the TOEFL offers plenty of challenges for many native English speakers – let alone for international students. Vocabulary on this exam is both specific and advanced, often including reference to historical and geographical concepts with which international students have had little or no exposure. Exam questions and tasks are rigorous and collegiate, testing not only language but also grammar skills, note-taking, researching, and summarizing abilities. High TOEFL scores evidence a student’s facility with all forms of the English language and the ability to effectively communicate and learn in the college environment.

By focusing on the fundamentals of English grammar in concert with specific test-taking strategy, Knower Academics offers thorough support for students who are planning to take the TOEFL. We often combine TOEFL support with equivalent focus on SAT or ACT to devise a comprehensive testing plan.

Contact us to learn more about how our KNOW the TOEFL™ program builds these skills.