Knower Test Prep

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I have been very impressed with both the content that they are covering and the cheerful encouragement that Julia has been receiving from her tutor! As a remote parent of a child in boarding school, sometimes I don’t always have a clear picture of what is going on, so it was a welcome surprise to be able to observe this interaction.

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The KNOW Your Test™ Approach to ACT®, SAT® and PSAT®

Not every student needs rigorous test prep, but every student deserves to understand the nuances of the test, and to go into the exam armed with a plan of action.

  • Right-sized – Our approach helps students put the college entrance exams in perspective.
  • Positive tactics – Our coaching begins by helping students fully demonstrate their areas of strength on the test, before targeting weaker content areas.
  • Flexible – Depending on the importance of test scores to college goals, we offer differentiated levels of instruction: from gentle to highly-rigorous preparation.
  • Proven – Knower’s strategic approach has helped thousands of students improve their scores.
  • Informed – Knower Academics is proud to partner with some of the best college counselors in the area.
  • 100% portable – Our instructors offer both face-to-face instruction and Zoom tele-conferencing sessions, which allows students to schedule sessions wherever they are. Zoom provides an engaging and supervised learning environment, complete with whiteboard, live audio/visual feed, and interactive annotation and screen-sharing tools.

When students begin their college application process, they face a veritable alphabet soup of intimidating exams, among them the PSAT, SAT, AP tests, ACT, ACT Aspire, TOEFL, and TOEFL IBT. As schools compete to attract prospective students and admissions offices are flooded with applications, college applicants must deftly navigate an increasingly complex landscape of college entrance exam requirements and alternatives.

For students applying to elite schools, having excellent grades isn’t enough; they also need high scores on their entrance exams in order to differentiate themselves from the other highly qualified applicants. While a growing number of test-optional schools offer a refreshing alternative, more high schools are mandating that their students complete some form of test preparation. Here’s the hard truth: the majority of colleges, for better or worse, still use test results as a barrier to entry for any student who does not hit the mark.

Now more than ever, students benefit from working with a test-prep expert, someone who can help them navigate all this complexity and keep the exams in perspective. Our instructors have helped students complete thorough preparation to get the scores they need, without interfering with their schoolwork, athletics, and other extracurriculars. Knower Academics is the first choice of many regional college counselors. Here’s why:

  • We can support students on all of the college entrance exams.
  • We keep these tests in perspective and right-size our focus; not every student needs ultra-rigorous preparation, but every student needs to have a plan in order to feel confident.
  • We have expert instructors and a well-developed curriculum that offers the highest level of test preparation.

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